The ability to perform an efficient digital transformation is one of the key capabilities which assures company competitiveness in turbulent times. The ongoing discussion on how to measure digital maturity was the inspiration behind the main aim of the research described in the article, i.e. to construct a digital maturity model called the Index of Digital Transformation (IDT). It is built on four pillars: Strategy, Financing, Technology and Organisation. The final assessment of the model is based on a survey of 205 executives, representing companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, who were asked to provide information on their companies’ performance before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistical methods were used to calculate and validate the IDT. A significant increase in digital maturity over this period was reported in all four pillars. Moreover, the research showed that both the type of the industry and the size of the company matter. B2C industries seem to have been under greater digitalisation pressure in the pandemic period. Larger companies (which belong to WIG20, WIG40 and WIG80) were more digitally mature than the rest, and those belonging to WIG40 demonstrated the highest increase in digital maturity in the analysed period. The IDT allows a better understanding of the dynamics of digital transformation in turbulent times and provides a framework for the measurement of digital maturity.
digitalisation, digital transformation, Warsaw Stock Exchange, digital maturity model, Index of Digital Transformation (IDT)
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